Saturday, April 1, 2023

DJ MARIA is an amazing artist from Japan

DJ MARIA is an amazing artist from Japan who makes music that makes people feel very happy and excited. She mixes different types of sounds like techno and psychedelic music to create unique and magical journeys.

When DJ MARIA plays her music, she knows how to make everyone in the crowd feel like they are a part of the show. She loves making music so much that she is always trying new things to make it even better. In 2022, she released two special albums called "Acid Sunrise" and "Communicating with the Universe." She even helped raise money for people in need in Ukraine.

DJ MARIA. has played in many famous places in Europe like Bassiani, Berghain and Astron Bar. People love her music so much that she even played on the radio! You can listen to her music on Soundcloud and hear many different kinds of music like house, ambient, trance, and downtempo.

DJ MARIA. also loves to organize fun events and parties. She has organized parties called 

"RELATIVE" and "Transcendence," which are all about having fun with music and dancing. She is very important to the techno scene in Japan and loves to share her music with people all over the world.

DJ Maria IG

DJ Maria Soundcloud

DJ Maria FB

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